Ukrainian University, in cooperation with Ukraina, Inc., offers on demand services in the fields of Ukrainian, Russian and selected Eastern European affairs and studies for interested government departments and agencies, businesses, think tanks, universities, colleges, foundations and other legal entities...
Доволі часто і до мене особисто, і до наших юридичних осіб звертаються люди й опганізації з України й українського зарубіжжя з проханням скласти пожертву на їхній проект. Мені незручно про це писати, але наше фінансове становище не настільки тривке, щоб...
ENG | УКР The following text was published in The Washington Post on June 10, 1991. With this publication, we begin the "Materials for Research" series, in which we will publish materials and documents that deserve researchers’ attention both in...
ENG | УКР Prof. Dr. Volodymyr Ivanenko begins his performances with lectures, reports, presentations and speeches at universities, think tanks and Ukrainian communities in the USA. You can choose from the list below the topic on which you would like...